Free download Robot4


Robot4 (tm) is a Robotic Arm Movement program where the arm is moved from given position
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14 votes
File size
3.2 MB
Release date
20 June 2015

Editor's review

Robot4 is a Robotic Arm Movement program where the arm is moved from given position to a desired position, an inverse problem. The program finds the angles necessary for the desired position.

Features: Robot4 is a Robotic Arm Movement program. The arm is required to move from a given position in three dimensions. A desired position is defined. The program calculates the angles through which the arm should move to reach the desired position within given tolerances.

Robot4 is an inverse problem example. It wants to solve how to move from starting point `A` to target point `B`. Solutions to Inverse Problems are easy with Calculus programming language can help solve the inverse problem easily. The Robo4 illustrates the solution. Use of Calculus programming is illustrated in the source code example supplied with the package.

Overall: As it seems publishers aim is to promote Calculus programming. He has supplied this package as an example of the superiority of the solution of this Robot arm movement problem.

Publisher's description

Robot4 (tm) is a Robotic Arm Movement program where the arm is moved from a given position to a desired position. The program finds the angles necessary for the desired position. Problem came from NASA.Robot4 is an Inverse Problem example. It wants to solve how to move from starting point 'A' to target point 'B'. Solutions to Inverse Problems are easy with Calculus programming language. See file 'Rob4User.fc' for solution code. This is an improved productivity example do to using Calculus programming.
Industry problems with solutions over the past twenty plus years have been put into a textbook to show the power of Calculus (level) Problem-Solving. The textbook as on our website at . The software architect behind Calculus Compilers is Joe Thames (read about Joe on our About page).
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Version 6.10
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